Friday, June 10, 2016

Bamidbar: identity

Bamidbar: identity

We are dealing with levels of identity.  In the wilderness, where there can be no identification with place, each person finds herself in a tribe and a family. The leaders are identified, some need no introduction: Moshe, Aaron.  Others are designated the leaders of tribes.  Most are anonymous, part of a large number, 

The numbers are repeated. The numbers are intended to frighten the potential enemy.  Confronting Israel  means facing over 600,000 soldiers, organized as armies and divisions. Don't tread on me. 

At the core  is the Ark of the Covenant and its sanctuary, ministered by Priests aided by Levites. At the core are the  documents of relationship between humanity and Gd. 

In our times of computers ( and the NSA) we can understand that an intelligence that is powerful enough can relate to each individual over many dimensions.  To Gd we are not just numbers. 


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