Friday, June 03, 2016

Bechukthai: Values

Bechukthai: Values

The first part of the parsha is a contract: follows the rules and prosper, break the rules and suffer.  The second part of this parsha ( the parsha that ends Vayikra) speaks of valuation, absolute worth.  Fifty shekel for a man between 20 and 60, my value has declined to 15 shekel  - alas.  The valuation of cattle and fields is also stated.

The parsha touches on both macro- and micro- economics.  The faithful execution of the covenant between the people and Gd determines the fertility of the land and the freedom from  military threat.  If the people, as a whole, abide by the Sabbatical and other laws, the land will be fertile, the rains will come, they will live in peace and everyone will do well.  If the people as a whole violate the contract,  there will be drought, famine and holocaust.  The individual is subsumed.

But the people consist of individuals who own animals and parcels of land, each with ts own worth. The price of redemption , if those possessions are pledged to the Lrd's earthly agency, the temple, is defined ( subject to modification [based upon means]).   Loss aversion is addressed by the 25% penalty for redemption of pledged property.

If we all stand together in righteousness, we have a Divine promise of prosperity. Greed destroys everyone for the temporary benefit of a  person; worth no more than 50 shekel


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