Friday, August 07, 2015

Eikev: Contract

Eikev: Contract

The parsha is called Eikev.  The usual translation of eikev is heel, the lowest point of the erect human, the pivot point.  As a verb, heel is what the master tells his dog. It is the command to obey. 

Eikev is a contract between Gd and  the Israelites, expressed by Moshe. Obey the contract and get compensated:  with the land and all that is good in it.  Breech the contract and your on your own... or worse. It establishes  who is the boss and how we view ourselves in relationship to the master: we are the heel, the heeler, the dog. The tolerated pet. The modern pet, all we give the master is love. 

What do we learn from this contractual relationship?  The essence of the  bond between the employer and employee can not be captured by the document.  Details create a structure that surrounds the bond.  But  in this contract, breeches are forgiven ( with occasional consequences).

 The contract lets us stand erect, on two heels.  Not as a partner but as a contractor, like an Uber driver, dependent - but we can quit if we are willing to suffer the consequences: alone, falling, unprotected.

Who signed this agreement?   It is an ancient, far removed  generation  ( 11;2)
And know ye this day; for I speak not with your children that have not known, and that have not seen the chastisement of the LRD your Gd, His greatness, His mighty hand, and His outstretched arm,

The agreement was not made with me, not with my generation, not with any generation for which I have photographs, or letters.  A generation so far removed that it is only by choice that I can say that they are my ancestors.

But I sign on for my children.  I knew my parents and  there is evidence that satisfies me that they saw  the trials and wonders, the chastisements of the Lrd,  that brought them to their time.  And I have seen some trials and wonders in my own charmed life.

This is a contract no one can keep.  It has too much fine print and it gets ever finer. I will merely click
[/] I agree. 


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