Friday, July 10, 2015

Pinchas: rules and exceptions

Pinchas:  rules and exceptions

Pinchas is the culmination of a section of Bamidbar  that began in Korach. Korach and his band  ( who are mentioned again in this weeks parsha, Pinchas) question the distribution of the heritable, the heritage. This band  seeks an alternative to the established order: a hereditary priesthood assigned to the descendants of the elder brother of a legislatve leader who holds his position by virtue of a special relationship with  Gd.  Korach et al question both the hereditary title of priesthood and the popular ( democratic, demogoguic, magical) election of Moshe. 

In Chukath, the changing of the guard begins with the passing of Miriam and Aaron  The conquest of  (areas ouside) the promised land begins. israel becomes a military ( world) power  A high degree of organization, led by  the surviving Moshe. is needed. 

In Balak, the invocation of Devine is shown to have limits.  Bilam can petition Gd, but not change Gd's will. 

 At the end of Balak, there is the Midianite transgression, a rebellion couched in the lewd.  But the choice of tribe, the Midianites, is so significant.  Moshe was inroducted to Gd when he was a Midianite. Moshe married a Midianite.  Pinchas' mother was a Midianite. The Midianites were relatives. Pinchas part Midianite, struck the blow against ( further) mixing  with the Midianites. He provoked their Archduke.  And for this act, he is rewarded.

Pinchas is rewarded with the wish of Korach. Pinchas is made the Priestly heir, dispite his prior disqualification because of his  birth prior to Aaron's induction into the pristhood ( perhaps, prior to the implementation of additional marrital restrictions on the Priests).  The rules are changed for Pnchas.  Merit prevails over birth`. 

Similarly, the courage of the daughters of Zelophchad raises  the women's issue  of its day.  Gd makes the decision. Gd says that the daughters of Zelophchad speak properly! The daughters of the shaddow of fear won! ( Should they have asked for more?)

 The law is fluid. 
Ask Gd. 


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