Friday, April 11, 2014

Acharei Moth: Relationships

Acharei Moth: Relationships

 In every relationship  there are things that are off limits. That is a theme of this parsha.

Not everyone can enter the inner sanctum.  Even those who may enter, Aaron and his sons, may only do so  once a year,  and only  in the  prescribed way : With blazing incense, with animal blood.  The caporeth, the  ark cover, must be covered. with the cloud of smoke. There  is something special about being told how to approach, how to beg and how to love.

The end of the parsha ( read on Yom Kippur), tells us of the forbidden sexual relationships. Many of these taboos involve people with whom we have family relationships.  The addition of the sexual is an unwanted element, like the fire that Nadav and Avihu brought in their unauthorized, fatal entry into the inner sanctum.

The Haftorah for Shabbath Hagadol emphasizes the prerequisites for the Messiah:  Peace between the (wired) young and the (fading) old.  I think it implies that the Messianic assumption is also like the unwanted fire.  One may only enter the holy when invited and properly dressed and with the proper gifts


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