Friday, March 07, 2014

Vayikra: formulaics

Vayikra: Formulaics

 Now we begin the parshiot of the korbanoth, the sacrificial rite. The various sacrifices are described with details of their performance:Where the animal  is to be slaughtered, where  and how the blood is to be sprinkled, how to dispose of the carcass, who can partake of the meat.  The talmud elaborates on the ritual, resolving conflicts and adding more details. 

The first word of the parsha, Vayikra, has a small aleph. The vayikra contrasts with Bilaam's  yikore, when after his special sacrificial rite, Hashem comes to meet him. There is  power in the animal sacrifice.  If done properly - and there are alot of rules- the sacrifice summons and audience with Gd. 

The sacrifice brings expiation.  A person violates a mitzvah, a rule, often a rule that  she does not understand.  The correction for that violation is strict adherence to the rules, including  and exemplified by the rules of thee sacrificial rite.

The devil is in the details. 


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