Friday, October 18, 2013

Vayerah: Rescue

The idea of rescue is prominent in Vayerah.  At the beginning of the parsha, Avraham negotiates to rescue Sodom. He explores the nature of Gd and the nature of justice. 
כג  וַיִּגַּשׁ אַבְרָהָם, וַיֹּאמַר:  הַאַף תִּסְפֶּה, צַדִּיק עִם-רָשָׁע.23 And Abraham drew near, and said: 'Wilt Thou indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?

Of course, eventually everyone: righteous, wicked, nebish, everyone,  dies -  presumably with the consent of Gd.  Being swept away, that may be something different.  Leaving nothing behind, no legacy.

Although Avraham does not mention Lot, Lot is rescued for Avrahams sake. But maybe Lot has some merit, too.  Lot also negotiates for the rescue of Tzoar, citing his own weakness as part of the reason for the rescue.

Gd rescues Ishmael.  Ishmael's exile demonstrates how special Isaac is. Avraham, who had argued for the rescue of Sodom is willing to send Ishmael into the wilderness for the sake of Isaaac's improvement. Has the birth of Isaac changed Avraham's character? Is there now something more important than the categorical imperative?  Like Lot, Ishmael is saved..

The Akeida is the culmination of  rescues. What is really important to Avraham: his biological future? his emotional tie to his offspring? the will of Gd?   Avraham demonstrates his willingness to give all for Gd.  Avraham realizes that he cannot, ever, rescue anyone.  Only the Most Powerful can rescue ( a logical deduction)  and , fortunately,   that is just what happens.

And who can be compared to You, King, who brings death and restores life, and causes deliverance to spring forth!


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