Friday, October 04, 2013

Noach:: subjugation

Noach:: subjugation

Noach lived in a world filled with חָמָס , translated by JPS as violence. 
 I think the word conveys a sense of passion, heat, חָם , 
Noach's second  son.  
 The son that raped his drunken, sleeping father after their rescue from the flood . 
 Who,  because he demeaned his father, is cursed to be a demeaned slave of slaves. 
He could not subjugate his passion, he is forever enthralled.. 

The deluge changes everything.  The antedeluvian world is open to the pornographic imagination. 
What emerges is the world of rules and hierarchy. 

Since Noach rescued the (land) animals, his descendants are their eternal masters. Noach is credited with the invention of the plow, the yoke that subjugates the animal, makes its life precious for the work it can do before it is slaughtered and eaten 

The hierarchy of man seems to devolve from heterogeneity and the probability of error. People are different,one brother makes an error, the righteous one becomes his king.  Subjugation leads to rebellion and thus we build the world, dispersed from Babel


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