Naso: graduation
The core of the parsha is the Sota and Nazir . The haftorah, the annunciation of the birth of Shimshon combines the Sota and nazir themes. The nazir element is explicit: The child is to be a nazir from the womb, even his mother must avoid grape products (and thalidomide). The warning label had not yet been invented.
The sota element is a little more subtle. Manoach's wife is, in fact, alone with the ish. This is not a human, it is wonderous thing, an angel, but Manoach, at first does not recognize that. He could have dragged his wife to the Mis
hkan for this accidental meeting ( that resulted in pregnancy), but he doesn't. He merely wants to ask the ish how to raise the child.
Marriage and Naziruth are sets of voluntary restrictions. These restrictions sanctify the people involved Staying inside the lines. Love will keep us together?
hkan for this accidental meeting ( that resulted in pregnancy), but he doesn't. He merely wants to ask the ish how to raise the child.
Marriage and Naziruth are sets of voluntary restrictions. These restrictions sanctify the people involved Staying inside the lines. Love will keep us together?
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