Thazriah-Metzorah: Privacy
The Klee yakar associates the word nega - affliction with the word negia - touch
The parshioth deal with the results of secret touches. It starts with the ultimate public announcement of the most secret of touches - the birth of a baby.
The next section deal with tzaraath, the affliction, the contamination. This is a visible mark on the skin, the touch of heaven. The text does not identify a cause, but Chazal suggest that gossip and other secret offenses cause these visible blemishes, marking the victim for isolation, a living demonstration of the danger of touch. Contagious!
The parshioth then switch to gonorrhea. The rhea in Greek is flow, in Hebrew zav We understand the origins of this flow to be private touch with the wrong person.
The private becomes pubic in the purification ritual. No secret is secure.
The parshioth then switch to gonorrhea. The rhea in Greek is flow, in Hebrew zav We understand the origins of this flow to be private touch with the wrong person.
The private becomes pubic in the purification ritual. No secret is secure.
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