Friday, July 27, 2012

Devarim: talking about land

The end of the parsha, devarim, involves the conquest of the land east of the Jordan. The provenance of the land is given.  We are told that the occupants of the lands that were conquered by the Israelites had taken the land from an earlier inhabitants.  There is an implication that the true rights to the land are long gone, justifying  occupation by conquest.  History invalidates the claim of possession.  The ultimate deed to the land  comes by virtue of Gd's gift. Do the dispossessed know that?

I live in a place that was established by European people.  But Native American people  ( who had come thousands of years earlier from Asia) had a claim of possession. My "rights" to this home are protected by the police, the army, nuclear weapons (if needed). Gd is in my side, but I have twinges of conscience - especially when I see Native people sleeping on the street downtown. 

Land does not mean what it once did.  For most people it is no more than conspicuous consumption. The products of the land are now in the hands of multinational conglomerates ( Archer-Daniels-Midland, etc.) No one  owns the productive land but Bain,Inc and the Chinese politburo make money from it, wherever it is located.  The loquation is merely words ( devarim), people fight over words.


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