Matoth-Masei: Promises Promises
A promise implies a level of control over the future, at least enough control to fulfill the promise. This week's parshioth revolve around the fulfillment of the promise of the land and problems that this generates
One such problem is that the tribes of Reuben and Gad know that their lot lies in an area that needs no further conquest. The Israelites have already taken possession of the land that is destined to be theirs. But to lose these tribes would weaken the force necessary for the conquest of the land included in Gd's promise to he patriarchs. The conflict is resolved with a promise. It is interesting to note that consequence to Reuben and Gad for failure to fulfill their commitment is not compete loss of inheritance, but rather a potion in the main-land west of the Jordan. Gd's promise to the patriarchs takes priority over the possible penalty for breaching the contract.
The parsha includes rules of inheritance and the (apparently new) concept of the female heir. Notice that the land inherited by the daughthers of Zelophchad ( the female heirs) is an addendum to the promised land. This is a portion of the land of Gilad that the family of Machir independently conquered from the Emorites.
None of the other tribes lost any land so that the women could inherit. Deus ex machina.
The name of our national Gd is an elision of the past present and future. That name if the core of promise.
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