Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shelach: Joshua

The Rabbi asked: Why did Moshe specifically pray for Joshua and not the other spies?

Actually, the text says that he called Hoshea Joshua.

This may relate to the preceding story in which Joshua, when he hears that Eldad and Meidad are prophesying in the camp,suggests that Moshe eliminate them. Moses answers that he would prefer if all the people were invested with the spirit.

Thus, Joshua is chastised for his elitist advice. perhaps he is demoted from the status of Joshua to Hoshea, just another prince. In this context Moshe must rebuild Joshia's confidence, and so we are told that Moshe promotes him to the status of Joshua again. Now he can have the confidence to buck the crowd. And ultimately, that act of confidence translates into Joshua becoming the leader after Moshe, who leads the people into the promised land.

On the Midrashic level, Joshua thus fulfills the prophecy attributed to Eldad and meidad that he will be the successor of Moshe. Moshe is willing to give him the name of the successor - the redeemer- despite the implications of the prophecy - that Moshe will not be the ultimate redeemer.


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