Friday, June 06, 2008

Naso: Transfer of Power

What happens in Naso? The task of the remainder Leviim is described. the Sotah, a raison d'etre for the Mishkan is described. The Nazir, voluntary holy state is outlined. Then the Priestly Blessing, real holiness, is stated. then we have the gifts of the Nesiim ( princes and Naso) followed by an accounting of the gifts ( to make sure no one was cheating?)

One of the major themes of the Torah is the usurpation of the firstborn. The story of Naso is the details of one of those instances. The Nesiim are usurped by the Kohanim ( and Leviim) and the process involves the parting gifts detailed at the end of the parsha ( 12 times). The next chapter, detailing some of the priestly duties adds ti this impression ( I think that the usurped Nesiim, the pinnacles of the firstborn hieracrchy were more envious of Aaron than he was of them.)

The theme of usurpation of the firstborn starts with Cain and Hevel. Cain also brings gifts but Gd does not sha'ah [ yes, with an ayin] to them.

Moshe is told to se'u { with an aleph} the children of Israel at the beginning of the transfer of power from the firstborn hierarchy, headed by the Nesiim[ aleph]. The Priestly blessing ends with Yisa ( aleph) hashem panav... May you count, may you matter, even though you have been demoted.


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