Friday, July 06, 2007

Pinchas: learning from the breech

There seem to be two themes in the prasha.

  1. Inheritance
    1. Pinchas gets a special inheritance of the KAhuna
    2. the enumeration of the tribal (65) tribal houses
    3. the special ineritance for the daughters of Zelafchad
    4. The passing of the leadership to Joshua
  2. The sacrificial rite
    1. the Holidays

Rashi points out the relationship between 70 and the apportionment of the land

And the 70 bulls that stand for the 70 nations.

The inheritance law is not standard.

Pinchas doesn't have the Yichus ;His mother is Egyptian and/or Midianite

The arrangement eventiually worked out for the daughters of Zelofchad are applicable only to that case.

Subsequent cases of daughters who inherit allow them to marry anyone.

Joshua is a test of Moses' loyalty ( at least as described by Rashi)

Moshe wanted his own child ( or perhaps Aaron's) to be the leader.

Instead there is a co-leadership with Joshua taking on Moshe's position


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