Friday, June 26, 2020

Korach: populism

Korach: populism

Populism is the caricature of democracy.  The will of "the people", sometimes an overwhelming majority, sometimes an empowered plurality, installs a government of regret.  Populism is always after the fact; if it all works out,  the choice was a triumph of democracy. 

This week's haftarah is quite ironic. The narrative of the Torah portion concerns a challenge to the (unelected) special status of Moses and Aaron. The challenge comes from their Levite cousin: Korach, for whom the parsha is named.  Korach's behavior is so egregious that a unique (cruel and unusual) death penalty is created for him: the earth swallows him and ( some of)  his family.  This questioning of the Divine right to lead and minister is eliminated with extreme prejudice.

The haftarah deals with the selection of a leader: the first king.  A king is demanded by the people, despite the attempts at dissuasion  by the prophet Samuel, the current prophetic and consensus leader of the Israelites.  The first verse  in the book of Samuel tells us about Elkana, Samuel's father.  For those of us who will not remember Chronicles I 6:19-23, Rashi  comments: 
Elkonoh. He was a Levite of the sons of Aviosof, the son of Korach —his ancestry is thus recorded in Divrei Hayomim. 
The Korach legacy has reappeared, warning the people about dangerous political decisions! 

When I first learned about Korach and his band (third grade?), everything was clear and easy.  Korach and his band had an evil agenda.  They tried to seize power for their selfish motives.  Moses and Aaron, pure servants of Gd and the people, were the victims of slander and hate.  With the help of heaven, good prevailed. 

When I was a youth, now aware of oppression and the cause of justice, the story became more disturbing.  The legitimate grievances of a segment of the people were demonized and ultimately decided by superhuman forces.  Where was the free and fair election? 

Now I hold both views, and yet  more views. Events in the world are not elected or just.  Pandemics strike and they challenge the values of societies.  History reveals the merits and errors of previously held values; and shows how those judgments may well change again.  The "German People" overwhelmingly supported Hitler in the 1934 referendum (89.93%) .  Now they support Angela Merkel. A majority of America once supported the war in VietNam.

Good and bad, I define these terms quite clear, no doubt, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then I'm younger than that now
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I do not  forsake the hope of understanding.  I am just not as disappointed anymore. 


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