Monday, October 09, 2017

Vzoth Habracha: the precipice

 At the end of Torah, at the end of the year, we read about the end of Moshe's life.  The emphasis  is on the failure to come to the completion, the blocked  entry into the promised Land.  The man who invented liberation, wrote the first constitution, brought the message of heaven to earth -  was disappointed that he could not visit the future site of the wailing wall.

The prospect, nay the certainty, that there will be an end to accomplishment is a universal human pain, regardless of previous accomplishments.  I  need to be told that even Moshe suffered this sadness.  It helps me arrange how I feel about my life and my future.

I still believe that I have much more to accomplish in this  life.  I am sure that all the good I can do in the world will happen, whether it is through me or through someone else.  It is a case of homotopy.

My path to the goal is not the only one. 

I read Vladimir Voevodsky's obituary . That is where I heard about homotopy.  He had moved on from these concepts to devising methods for computers to check  the truth of mathematical proofs.  He was approaching a new level of understanding  truth.   He was also denied entry into his promise. 

That is the way of the world.  

So we begin, again


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