Thursday, October 27, 2016

Berashith: contraction from the infinite

We begin the Torah again with  a few stories: creation, the garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, etc.  The parsha ends with the sons  of Elohim (E) taking any women they wanted   The idea of  sons of Elohim is quite shocking.  Usually, Onkelos, the official translator id the Torah , renders all of the appellations of Gd ( J, E, Shakai, etc,)as Gd ( as we generally do in English). But here, Onkelos  renders E as the sons of the rulers, not children of the Divine.

This usage of  of E  informs the first story, where E creates the universe.  This is the story of Omnipotence, the power to create the Universe.  This is generally extrapolated to  an attribution  of  the power to do anything and everything.  This level of Divine  potency becomes an unquestionable  tradition of absolute power

But another aspect of the story calls this into question.  In the Beginning, E says - and it happens.  By the end of the parsha, E considers a plan ( to erase people from the earth). The thought is recorded, bt it is no longer immediately translated into action, into being.   The plan is subsequently not fully carried out! Noah and his family are rescued

In general, I think that E  means: " the greatest power I can imagine" Perhaps E does not designate Omnipotence, the actual power to do anything. Perhaps it is enough to attribute a power so great, it makes our puny abilities, even collectively applied, totally insignificant, unmeasurably small.

This contraction ( tzimtzim) to near-Omnipotnece may be necessary for our existence.  If  Gd (E) could do anything, we have no role, the universe has no place.  it is this conceptual limitation, to an essentially, but not quite, infinite power  that gives us  license to offer it  praise and live in Gd's  world.

I  meet this contraction with a contraction of my own.  A moments reflection convinces me that there are forces I do not understand.  There are forces whose existence is unknown.  Who could have anticipated electromagnetism , magnetic resonance, or quantum entanglement? Why should I not believe that other unsuspected forces exist.  For most of  my daily life, it is enough to know that my understanding is insufficient.  The concept of an (almost) infinitely   more powerful and knowledgeable being can fill that gap.  Gd's beneficence is evidenced by my every breath.

Gd made room for me.  I make room for Gd


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